Events List
Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey
“Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey” meets every other Thursday. Contact Cathi Bower, group leader.
Field Trip - Hoypus Point at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Navigate to Cornet Bay Marina. As Cornet Bay Road navigates you through a section of private property, continue straight. Drive past the Deception Pass State Park entrance sign to the right and enter the boat ramp parking lot. Restrooms are available at this location. Look for a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partners are Dave Parent and Joe Sheldon.
For more information contact Akiko or call 360-499-6320. The Deception Pass State Park Events Calendar is here.

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn
Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey
“Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey” meets every other Thursday. Contact Cathi Bower, group leader.

Earth Day Celebration at Deception Pass
Celebrate Earth Day with a full day of festivities including guided walks, Earth Day activities, and a conservation work party.
Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey
“Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey” meets every other Thursday. Contact Cathi Bower, group leader.
Field Trip - Cornet Bay Marina at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Drive past the Deception Pass State Park entrance sign to the right and enter the boat ramp parking lot. Restrooms are available at this location. Look for a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Dave Parent, tentatively. Anyone willing to help or lead?
For more information contact Akiko or call 360-499-6320. The Deception Pass State Park Events Calendar is here.

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn
Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey
“Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey” meets every other Thursday. Contact Cathi Bower, group leader.
Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey
“Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey” meets every other Thursday. Contact Cathi Bower, group leader.

Malheur Wildlife Refuge
Trip leader Dave Parent has over 30 years of experience birding in Southeast Oregon. Join him on a camp out to one of the most amazing birding areas in North America. “We will bird the expansive Malheur Refuge, fields, the Pueblo Mountains, and possibly other hotspots. We hope to be onsite as the spring migration is in full swing and nesting birds are arriving from the south. One hundred species in the first two days is not unrealistic!” Headquarters is Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Page Springs Campground, first come first served—no reservations. Hotels are available in the area also. Contact Dave for details.
Please register below.

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn

Field Trip - Rosario Beach at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Navigate to Rosario Beach Rd. Please note this address does not take you all the way to the parking lot. Follow to the end of the road until you reach the metal gates to enter the Rosario parking lot. Restrooms are available at this location. Look for a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Patty Cheek.
For more information contact Akiko or call 360-499-6320. The Deception Pass State Park Events Calendar is here.
Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey
“Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey” meets every other Thursday. Contact Cathi Bower, group leader.

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn
Field Trip - Cornet Bay at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Drive past the Deception Pass State Park entrance sign to the right and enter the boat ramp parking lot. Restrooms are available at this location. Look for a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Jim DeForrest.
For more information contact Akiko or call 360-499-6320. The Deception Pass State Park Events Calendar is here.
Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey
“Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey” meets every other Thursday. Contact Cathi Bower, group leader.
Skagit and Samish Deltas Field Trip
Typically there are large concentrations of waterfowl and raptors. The area is considered one of the top winter raptor viewing sites in the U.S. Some walking will be involved; be prepared for some mud. Bring a lunch for this all-day field trip. A Discover Pass or day permit will be needed for each car. Due to narrow road shoulders and limited parking, carpools are particularly important. Meet at the Coupeville Library parking lot at 8:30 a.m. or at Windjammer Park (turn right at Beeksma) in Oak Harbor at about 9 a.m. We’ll plan to start back about 3 p.m. to arrive before dark.
Trip leader is Jay Adams, call 207-441-7357 for questions or if you need to cancel. The trip is limited to 10 participants. It is FULL. Snow or ice cancels this trip.
Field Trip - West Beach at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Whether arriving from the north or south on SR20, you will come to a stoplight at the bottom of a hill. Turn west into the main park entrance. Drive past the welcome station and follow along the winding road until you reach a stop sign, then turn left. Take this road all the way down to the end, which will lead you to the West Beach parking lot. Restrooms are available at this location. Look for a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Dave Parent.
For more information contact Akiko or call 360-499-6320. The Deception Pass State Park Events Calendar is here.
Postponed a week: Skagit and Samish Deltas Field Trip
Typically there are large concentrations of waterfowl and raptors. The area is considered one of the top winter raptor viewing sites in the U.S. Some walking will be involved; be prepared for some mud. Bring a lunch for this all-day field trip. A Discover Pass or day permit will be needed for each car. Due to narrow road shoulders and limited parking, carpools are particularly important. Meet at the Coupeville Library parking lot at 8:30 a.m. or at Windjammer Park (turn right at Beeksma) in Oak Harbor at about 9 a.m. We’ll plan to start back about 3 p.m. to arrive before dark.
Trip leader is Jay Adams, call 207-441-7357 for questions or if you need to cancel. The trip is limited to 10 participants. It is FULL. Snow or ice cancels this trip.

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn
Field Trip - West Beach at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Whether arriving from the north or south on SR20, you will come to a stoplight at the bottom of a hill. Turn west into the main park entrance. Drive past the welcome station and follow along the winding road until you reach a stop sign, then turn left. Take this road all the way down to the end, which will lead you to the West Beach parking lot. Restrooms are available at this location. Look for a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Sarah Schmidt.
For more information contact Akiko or call 360-499-6320. The Deception Pass State Park Events Calendar is here.
Field Trip - Cornet Bay at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Drive past the Deception Pass State Park entrance sign to the right and enter the boat ramp parking lot. Restrooms are available at this location. Look for a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Steve Ellis.
For more information contact Akiko or call 360-499-6320.

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn

Field trip to Fort Ebey State Park
Join Steve and Martha Ellis to explore the wildlife at Fort Ebey State Park. This field trip has a good mix of forest and seabirds. Possible sightings include Harlequin Ducks, Red-necked Grebes, Red Crossbills. There is some walking. Plan on spending two to three hours.
Meet at 9 a.m. at Libbey Beach Park at the end of Libbey Road. We will carpool into the park. All vehicles entering the park must have a Discover Pass. Limit 12 people. Any questions, email Steve and Martha.
Please register on the form below. If you need to cancel contact us so that we can make your place available to another.

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn

Birding Deer Lagoon
Join Carlos Andersen at the Deer Lagoon at the trailhead at the end of Deer Lagoon Road for two hours of birding. This time of year can be a little bit wet but that also brings in all the wonderful waterfowl that we will be looking for. Be sure to be prepared for the weather. Bring binoculars and/or a scope if you have them.
This trip is limited to eight participants and is now full with a substantial waiting list. Carlos can be reached at email or text.

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey
Birding in Neighborhoods North Whidbey (BINN) outings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. We meet in the parking area of the month’s destination. To be added to (or removed from) the monthly outing reminders contact Denise Marion, or Nancy Luenn
Field Trip - Rosario Beach at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. On Fidalgo Island, go west on Rosario Road then left on Rosario Beach Road. Look for the Rosario Head Trailhead parking lot. Meet at the grassy area just down from the parking lot, near the picnic shelter. Look for a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Carlos Andersen.
For more information contact Akiko or call 651-324-6099.
Field Trip - Rosario Beach at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle.
On Fidalgo Island, go west on Rosario Road then left on Rosario Beach Road. Look for the Rosario Head Trailhead parking lot. Meet at the grassy area just down from the parking lot, near the picnic shelter. Look for the large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Dave Krause.
For more information contact Akiko or call 651-324-6099.
Field Trip - Bowman Bay at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Meet at the lower Bowman Bay parking lot, near the boat launch and large notice board. There will be a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Note: There will be lots of other Earth Day programs at Bowman Bay that day! Check them out.
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Kim Shepard..
For more information contact Akiko or call 651-324-6099.For more information contact Joy.

Field Trip - Lone Lake and Langley Marina
Join Govinda Holtby to witness and marvel at the early spring migration at Lone Lake and Langley marina. We hope to see new arrivals, those just passing thru, and catch last glimpses of our wintering friends soon to depart.
We will Meet at Bayview Park & Ride and carpool to our first stop Lone Lake public boat launch and then on to Langley Marina.
Field Trip - Bowman Bay at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Meet at the lower Bowman Bay parking lot, near the boat launch and large notice board. There will be a large sign, “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Dyanne Sheldon.
For more information contact Akiko or call 651-324-6099.
Field Trip - Cornet Bay/Hoypus Point at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Meet at the Cornet Bay parking lot, near the bathroom shelter and look for the large “Bird Walk” sign.
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Patty Cheek.
For more information contact Akiko or call 651-324-6099.
Field Trip - Bowman Bay at Deception Pass State Park
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle. Meet at the lower Bowman Bay parking lot, near the boat launch and large notice board. There will be a large sign “Bird Walk.”
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Sarah Schmidt.
For more information contact Akiko or call 651-324-6099.
Field Trip - Deception Pass State Park - Cornet Bay/Hoypus Point
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle.
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park naturalist Joy Sullivan and Whidbey Audubon partner Steve Ellis.
For more information contact Joy.
Winter Birds Field Trip
Come see the winter birds of the Skagit Flats, Fir Island and Samish Flats. Typically there are large concentrations of waterfowl and raptors. The area is considered one of the top winter raptor viewing sites in the U.S. Some walking will be involved; be prepared for some mud. A Discover Pass or day permit will be needed for each car. Due to narrow road shoulders and limited parking, carpools are particularly important. To join a carpool, meet at 8 a.m. at the Bayview Park & Ride or 8:45 at Windjammer Park in Oak Harbor. Bring a lunch for this all-day field trip. We plan to return to Oak Harbor about 5 p.m. Trip leaders are Patty Cheek and Cathi Bower.
Field Trip - Deception Pass State Park - Rosario
Birding Deception Pass: a Whidbey Audubon and Deception Pass State Park partnership. Walks are designed as a great opportunity for birders of all levels. Practice bird identification skills, explore unique bird habitats and learn from other birders. It is recommended you bring your own binoculars and/or scopes, though there will be a few on hand to borrow. A Discover Pass or day permit is required for each vehicle.
Deception Pass State Park bird watching with State Park AmeriCorps Interpretive Naturalist Akiko Nakagawa and Whidbey Audubon partner Dave Parent.
For more information, contact Akiko at