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Westport Seabirds Pelagic Boat Trip

  • Float #10, Westport Marina 2435 Westhaven Drive Westport, WA, 98595 United States (map)

Want to enter a different world? Want to add 10 to 20 species to your life list? Want to see marine mammals, Blue Sharks and Mola molas? Want to participate in the longest running seabird survey in North America? Travel 35 miles offshore out of sight of land with us on a boat with a superb safety record and a highly experienced captain and crew.

Participation is limited to 10 participants and one spot is open as of March 13. You may also register to join the waiting list by signing up below. The cost for the trip is $210 by personal check ($220 if paying by PayPal) and payment MUST be received by Westport Seabirds,, by June 15. The trip leader is Dave Parent.

June 11

Birding in Neighborhoods – North Whidbey