Birding in Neighborhoods
“Birding in Neighborhoods” (BIN) are outings in search of birds. Generally these are morning outings, consisting of however many people decide to attend (1 - 20) with the goal of documenting as many species as possible over a couple of hours at various locations around Whidbey Island. There is a north Whidbey BIN and a south Whidbey BIN, and they are active throughout the entire year, though there is no commitment to attend. BIN is a great way to learn about birding areas on Whidbey Island, hone your bird identification skills, join a community of bird appreciators and if you are just starting, get support from other birders. This is “no pressure” birding with birders at every level.
After the BIN, the group leader will provide a list of the species seen. It really is fun to bag (figuratively) as many species as possible.
Find the BIN schedule on our Events Calendar.
If you are interested in joining a BIN group, contact a group leader below. Group leaders send an email prior to each BIN outing letting folks know where and when to meet.
“Birding in Neighborhoods North” (North Whidbey)
Contact our BIN North group leaders BIN North - Denise or BIN North - Nancy.
Meets the second Wednesday of the month.
Potential birding areas are usually Crockett Lake and north.
“Birding in Neighborhoods South” (South Whidbey)
Contact our BIN South group leader BIN South.
Meets every other Thursday.
Potential birding areas are usually Crockett Lake and south
History of Birding in Neighborhoods
Birding in Neighborhoods originated in South Whidbey in 2005. Interest had grown in protecting Deer Lagoon, which was suspected of being an important bird area. To provide some information to back up the assumption, Frances Wood began to lead a group of Whidbey Audubon Society members out to the site every other week to survey the area’s species, particularly the resident birds. One season led to the next, and since 2006, Birding in Neighborhoods South has gathered to see what can be seen (and heard) and to enjoy the company of other birders - rain or shine, wind or frost or fog - twice monthly for these many seasons. We thank Phyllis Kind for leading the BIN South each time for twelve years, through the spring of 2018. Since then Cathi Bower has ably and amiably led this group. BIN North was started somewhat later by Jenny Brown and Marcia Lazoff. In 2022, Nancy Luenn and Denise Marion graciously took the baton from Marcia.
Banner Photo: Whidbey Audubon