Volunteer Opportunities
At Whidbey Audubon Society we do some amazing work to protect Whidbey Island’s wildlife and habitat. Through advocacy, education, field trips, and programs, we are a force that builds awareness and concern for our natural environment. It takes a team to provide the services that make Whidbey Audubon Society an effective organization. We would love to have you join us!
If you are interested in joining as a volunteer or as a board member, please fill out and submit the form on this page, and one of our leaders will contact you soon. Thank you!
Click on the highlighted text below for more information about the responsibilities of each position:
Conservation and Science Cabinet Chair
Conservation Committee member
Education Cabinet Chair
Support Services Cabinet Chair
Shorelines (newsletter) Editor
Field Trip Coordinator
Wings over Whidbey Festival - various one-time volunteer tasks to put on the festival (go to page)
Christmas Bird Count South, see more here.
Program meeting hospitality, check box labelled “Events, Field Trips and Tabling” on the form and submit.
Photo of a Dark-eyed Junco by Jann Ledbetter.