Whidbey Island Bird List
Rendering courtesy of Kathy Obersinner and Sarah Schmidt
Here is a field checklist for Whidbey Island bird species, including information on seasonal abundance. Enjoy the varied habitats on our beautiful island!
Original Printable Version (PDF) 8.5” x 14” (legal size paper)
Reduced Printable Version (PDF) 8.5” x 11” (letter size paper)
Printable Species Checklist only (PDF) 8.5" x 11" (letter size paper)
Last Update: March 2021
For more information about our birds visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology here. Search by species name, or answer a few simple questions and get instant identification help from Merlin Bird ID, a free bird identification smartphone application.
Illustrated Whidbey Birds Checklist (November 2016 edition) appears below.
Checklist key for photos:
Sp - Spring (March - May)
S - Summer (June - August)
F - Fall (September - November)
W - Winter (December - February)
Abundance Key:
C - Common: usually seen in proper habitat.
U - Uncommon: (1) seen regularly in small numbers, or (2) present, but not certain to be seen.
O - Occasional: (1) irregular occurrence, or (2) seen only a few times per year.
R - Rare: (1) rarely seen, or (2) seen at intervals of 2-5 years.
I - Irruptive: population varies widely in some years
A - Accidental: seen less than 5 times.
*(asterisk) - Known to nest on the Island.
P - Possible: Adults found in proper habitat during breeding season.
Photo Credits:
Bird List Photos:
(1) Craig Johnson
(2) Randy Foster
(3) Tom Ash
Banner Photo: James Halsch/Audubon Photography Award