Annual Pigeon Guillemot Season Is Here!
The Salish Sea Guillemot Network will launch the 2025 season of the Pigeon Guillemot Summer Breeding Season Survey on June 1.
If you love birds, especially Pigeon Guillemots, you can join in the monitoring, spend time at the beach this summer and be part of a citizen science project. We are seeking new and seasoned volunteers for sites from Greenback to Oak Harbor, including the Navy base.

A Season of Growth and Renewal: Call for Board Officers and Members
It’s the time of year for our board of directors to renew itself to ensure the organization remains fresh and vital, that we have the energy to continue to fulfill our mission and serve our community.
Pursuant to our bylaws, election for secretary and treasurer should occur at our May membership meeting. Both of these positions remain open, and we are urgently looking for any members who might be willing to serve in either. Several cabinet chair positions need to be filled. There are also two at-large vacancies….

Birding in Neighborhoods - North Report
In spite of the cold and windy weather, eight birders joined the BINN outing on March 12. We visited three marine environments and were rewarded by seeing 29 species.
Our first stop was Mueller Beach Access on Madrona Way to see what birds were sheltering in Penn Cove. There we found numerous Common Goldeneye and a few Barrow’s Goldeneye, Scaup and Bufflehead….

Field Trip Report: Costa Rica 2025!
We had a wonderful trip to Costa Rica. The weather was very good and except for two short episodes, we had no rain. Roger Melendez was a remarkable guide and provided great accommodations, good meals, excellent birds, a few remarkable mammals, and good history and culture….

Wings over Whidbey Updates
Wings over Whidbey Bird Festival will take place on May 17 at Pacific Rim Institute from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Birding field trips will be offered on May 16 and 17.
Our sponsorship drive has been beyond successful. We could still use more volunteers to help with set-up, parking, and breakdown….

Best Intentions: Skagit County 2025
The traditional February trip to the bottomlands of the Skagit and Samish rivers did not come off as planned this year. Trip leader Jay Adams and I had looked forward to at least one—and possibly two—visits with Whidbey birders, but we were thwarted by persistent rains and high winds.
However, we did have good luck on a reconnaissance trip on January 29….

Birding in the Neighborhoods - South Report
Early in the month, on the Deer Lagoon West dike, we identified over 40 species, and then later for the first day of spring, we mixed it up over at Sunlight Beach and the East Dike, with at least 35 species, including four Northern Harriers swooping together over the fields. Four! Two of each, male and female….

Field trip report: Hoypus Point
Hoypus Point is truly one of the gems on Whidbey. Located on the east side of Deception Pass Bridge, it is home to one of the last old-growth forests on the island. On the day of our field trip, it was overcast with a moderate wind advisory. But Hoypus Point seemed to shelter us from the wind….

Calling for Nominations
Are you curious about how Whidbey Audubon operates? Are you interested in learning more about the people behind the scenes? Do you have an idea you’d like to share?

Status of Legislative Bills
The Washington State Legislative session started this year on January 13 and is scheduled to end April 27, 2025. There are some exciting updates from Audubon Washington to share and we need your help to ensure that key environmental priorities continue to move forward in the 2025 legislative session.