Sightings and Photo Gallery
Click below to see our Sightings and Gallery postings.
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Use the form at the link below to share your unusual, interesting or rare sighting and to upload photos. Whidbey Audubon Society bird experts will review your submission to determine if it meets our posting guidelines, which are listed below.
Use the form at the link below to share your photographs. They don’t need to be of rare birds, but they should be special to you. Guidelines for submission are at the link.
Sightings Guidelines
Sightings should generally be on Whidbey Island or surrounding waters.
What kinds of sightings are considered reportable?
Thank you for your submission! We all enjoy reading about and viewing photos of what you are seeing around Whidbey Island. And this gives others a chance to get out and see the same thing.
You may also want to report your sighting on eBird. From Cornell Lab of Ornithology: eBird is the world’s largest biodiversity-related citizen science project, with more than 100 million bird sightings contributed each year by eBirders around the world. A collaborative enterprise with hundreds of partner organizations, thousands of regional experts and hundreds of thousands of users, eBird is managed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.