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Coordinates, develops and manages our 12+ year citizen science research project monitoring Pigeon Guillemots nesting in Puget Sound. Data collected is shared with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and researchers at the University of Washington and is used to monitor the health of Puget Sound.
Visit https://www.pigeonguillemot.org to learn more!
Preserves and provides a library of bird specimens to be used for education, research and inspiration.
Develops our environmental advocacy and outreach, and coordinates our habitat protection activities.
The nation's longest-running community science bird project fuels Audubon's work throughout the year. The Christmas Bird Count occurs December 14 to January 5 every season.
Provides classroom activities for local schools, speakers for community organizations, outreach at community events.
Coordinates, develops and manages our 9 month classes that meet every other Thursday from September to May, plus a monthly field trip.
To learn more visit our “Birds of Whidbey” class page or join our wait list.
Manages the application process, fundraising for, and selection of local students to receive the Whidbey Audubon scholarship.
Develops content and layout for Whidbey Audubon Society’s newsletter, Shorelines.
Read our latest articles or view our newsletter archive!
Develops announcements, posters, and advertising for WAS events.
To create an infrastructure that identifies open volunteer positions, proposes various methods of volunteer recruitment, designs volunteer onboarding and retention programs, and identifies and recommends a volunteer management tool.
Arranges speakers for monthly Whidbey Audubon membership meetings.
Seeks volunteers to lead field trips.
Conducts annual audit of WAS finances and tri-annual audits of board adherence to bylaws.
Seeks nominations for officers, cabinet leads, and committee chairs.