Whidbey Audubon Society

What We Do

Since 1982, we have advocated for birds and protection of their environments on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound, Washington State.

Our Mission Statement

Whidbey Audubon Society is dedicated to the understanding, appreciation and protection of birds and other wildlife species and their habitats on Whidbey Island and in surrounding waters.

Our accomplishments and our methods

  • Advocacy, conservation and preservation: Across the Island we have had impacts that protect birds and their habitats. See our Advocacy page for what we’ve done and how.

  • Education: The more we learn, the more we care, and the more we can accomplish. We offer a variety of educational programs that are available to members and nonmembers interested in discovering more about the world of birds. Please explore these in our Events and Education tabs.

    • Tailored group presentations

    • School groups and classroom programs

    • “Birds of Whidbey” class

    • The Bird in Hand Festival

    • Monthly Programs

    • Field Trips

  • Scholarships: Whidbey Audubon Society Renee Smith Scholarship for Environmental Studies awarded to exceptional graduating Whidbey high school seniors going on to pursue degrees in environmental programs

  • Building community: All of our activities seek to build a community invested in the protection of birds. But this is not stern-faced work; our goal is to have fun while making a difference. Investigate our website to see what we do. You may want to become a member with us!

  • Outreach and volunteering: We conducted a survey of our members in the spring of 2024, see the results here. We also began to identify volunteer tasks, see Volunteer Opportunities.