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Postponed a week: Skagit and Samish Deltas Field Trip

Typically there are large concentrations of waterfowl and raptors. The area is considered one of the top winter raptor viewing sites in the U.S. Some walking will be involved; be prepared for some mud. Bring a lunch for this all-day field trip. A Discover Pass or day permit will be needed for each car. Due to narrow road shoulders and limited parking, carpools are particularly important. Meet at the Coupeville Library parking lot at 8:30 a.m. or at Windjammer Park (turn right at Beeksma) in Oak Harbor at about 9 a.m. We’ll plan to start back about 3 p.m. to arrive before dark.

Trip leader is Jay Adams, call 207-441-7357 for questions or if you need to cancel. The trip is limited to 10 participantsIt is FULL. Snow or ice cancels this trip.

February 13

Under the Surface: Bird Bones and Skeletons, with David Lukas

February 20

Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey