Events List

Filtering by: “Meetings”

Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The Board Members have the right to call special meetings.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact Secretary Janet Jernigan.

The location of the meeting is yet to be determined.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Please note the location change to the Bayview Cash Store. Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The Board Members have the right to call special meetings.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact Secretary Janet Jernigan.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact Secretary Janet Jernigan.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact Secretary Janet Jernigan.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the secretary Janet Jernigan.

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Board Retreat

Board Retreat

Whidbey Audubon Society Officers, Cabinet and Committee heads are meeting to review and plan for the fiscal year ahead. Meet in Room 109. This space has a WiFi connection and projection capabilities should we need them. Attenders, please bring your own lunch.

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Special Board Meeting

Special Board Meeting

A special board meeting has been called to decide leadership issues going forward. We may hire a part time executive director to handle day to day issues. Some programs may be reduced.

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, June, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the secretary.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President. Location to be announced.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President. Location to be announced.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President. Location to be announced.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President. Location to be announced.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President. Location to be announced.

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Washington's 12 Woodpecker Species with Jeff Kozma

Washington's 12 Woodpecker Species with Jeff Kozma

Jeff Kozma, TFW Wildlife Biologist with the Yakama Nation and lead author of the Birds of the World account for the White-headed Woodpecker, will review key plumage and vocal characteristics needed to identify all 12 of Washingtons' breeding woodpecker species. Jeff will also discuss habitat and behavioral differences between the species to further aid in identification. 

Join us for the January General Membership meeting via Zoom. The meeting and program are free and open to the public. The meeting starts at 7 with socializing and a brief business meeting. The program begins at 7:30 p.m. Please register below for a link to the program.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

President Patty Cheek welcomes the board and members to her home for the business meeting. She asks each to bring food to share. Beware of her two young kitties. To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President.

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Board Meeting Change

Board Meeting Change

Due to a board member’s schedule conflict, the October meeting has been moved to November 2. Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President or Administrator.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the Vice President.

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President

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Board Meeting

Board Meeting

  • Coupeville United Methodist Church basement (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Any member is welcome to attend the monthly Whidbey Audubon Society Board meetings. Only board members may vote. The meetings are usually the fourth Thursday of each month, except November, July and August. The President or Board Members have the right to call special meetings. The November meeting is usually the second Thursday in December, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in November.

To attend or to put an item on the agenda contact the President

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