A day of inspiration as Sound Waters University celebrates The Power of Place—Voices for the Salish Sea. Engage in current Salish Sea research and approaches to deepen your sense of place and opportunities for engagement. Attend to learn, engage, and be inspired as a voice of action to ensure the Salish Sea ecosystems are sustained and flourish. Learn more here.
The soaring Osprey logo represents the majesty and splendor of this region. The all-attendee Voices sessions and an elective class option focus on:
Salish Sea geography, its interconnected food web, and current challenges and issues,
The braiding of Indigenous knowledge and mainstream science and,
The Salish Sea marine environment and its stewardship.
$70 Ticket: Includes General admission to all sessions + selection of one elective class Limited Space. Ticket sales close on January 22nd for the Event and Field Trips Add-ons. Register here.
Visit Whidbey Audubon Society’s display.