David Droppers with large moth on his nose.
There is so much more to moths than you realize, a world more! Not only are they far more important pollinators than people realize, but they're also key to getting more birds in your yard. How? David will explain that by becoming a moth-er, and catering to the night-shift pollinators in your gardens, you'll also be setting the dinner plate for your birds. And those moths— oh, what a world of wonders they hold, so complimentary to birds and indeed wholly unique. You'll never think of a moth the same way again.
David Droppers has been teaching courses on topics from birds to butterflies to trees to microorganisms for a variety of groups, including college biology courses and nonprofit environmental groups. He has put his expertise to work for the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, University of Washington and Woodland Park Zoo, among many others. He is ecstatic about sharing his passion for the natural world with others who wish to learn. His enthusiasm is said to be contagious!
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