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Our book this month is Gifts of the Crow: How Perception, Emotion, and Thought Allow Smart Birds to Behave Like Humans by John Marzluff and Tony Angell

 Although this book is not a recent publication, it is a very worthwhile read. We’ve had John Marzluff speak to Whidbey Audubon several times. He is a Professor of Wildlife Science at the University of Washington, and he has done fantastic work with crows.

 Sy Montgomery, author of Birdology, said that John and Tony’s “amazing, true stories of crows who rage, grieve, give gifts, work together, and even design and use tools would be enough to make this book a great read…. one of the most exciting books I’ve read in a long time.”

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January 21

Field Trip - Deception Pass State Park - Cornet Bay

January 26

Birding in Neighborhoods - South Whidbey