In this first session we will investigate North American owl species by habitat, with a particular focus on Northwest owls.
The objective of this three-part class series is to help students gain a better understanding of North American owls, with a particular emphasis on those living all or part of the year in the Pacific Northwest. The knowledge you gain will help you recognize where to find owls as well as advocate for laws and policies that will ensure their survival. A special emphasis is placed on life histories, movements and habitats.
Each session will include 40 minutes of lecture and 15 minutes of questions and answers.
The cost is: $45 for Whidbey Audubon members and $65 for nonmembers. And if you wish to become a member, the $65 class registration will also pay your membership fee for one year.
Registration is closed.
Banner photo: Northern Spotted Owl ©Paul Bannick