This is a Wings over Whidbey Free Festival Event
In-person Only
See where to find birds in Washington, on Whidbey or even in your own back yard. Learn ways you can behave that will ethically encourage birds get close enough to photograph while living their normal lives. Ideas for camera gear -- without breaking the bank. Find the single most critical function to understand about your camera to get better pictures. Check out examples of bird photo compositions that work and why they work. Hint: it’s not the infamous rule of thirds.
We will email people who request the takeaways: Bill’s slide set, the Birds of Whidbey list and links to a number of birding and photography resources.
Bill Ray
Bill is an award winning photographer and instructor whose photos have been in juried art shows like the Edmonds Arts Festival and Shack Art Center Everett. His images capture beauty in the natural world for its own sake, to keep us in touch with the planet in our increasingly urbanized world. As an instructor he enjoys demystifying technical material, especially for non-technical people.
Bill is a lifelong photographer, starting with the Ansel Adams Zone System as a teenager. An early Photoshop user from scanned film, he switched to full digital in 2006, delighted to find his arts hobby had converged with his computer engineering profession.
He is an active member of several art and camera clubs, and has been a photo instructor and contest judge for ArtWorks Edmonds, Schack Art Center Everett and the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs. He contributes technical articles to the Northwest Nature and Wildlife Photographers quarterly magazine.
This event is free, limited to 120 attendees and is in-person only. Register below to reserve a place.