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Christmas Bird Count - North Whidbey

The CBC is happening this year, but with restrictions that keep us safe and are in accordance with State and local Covid-19 policies and directives. And these are subject to change.

Date: North Whidbey CBC: 19 December, 2020

The primary restrictions are:

  • Individual survey groups are restricted to people in the same “germ pod”, which generally means family members.

  • No carpooling with people outside your family group.

There will be opportunities for input from “feeder watchers” who live within the North Whidbey circle.

See our current Shorelines newsletter for more details and contact information.

The Christmas Bird Count (cbc) is a long-standing program of the National Audubon Society, with over 100 years of community science involvement. It is an early-winter bird census, where thousands of volunteers across the U.S., Canada, and many countries in the Western Hemisphere go out over a 24-hour period on one calendar day to count birds. Each participating group is assigned a 15-mile diameter circle that is then divided into areas to be surveyed. All individual birds are counted and listed on a custom bird list for the region. This information is then compiled and sent to National Audubon.

The data collected by observers over the past century allow Audubon researchers, conservation biologists, wildlife agencies and other interested individuals to study the long-term health and status of bird populations across North America. When combined with other surveys such as the Breeding Bird Survey, it provides a picture of how the continent’s bird populations have changed in time and space over the past hundred years. —

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Birds 'n' Beer Get-together

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Owls of North America, Make-Up Session 2 & Session 3 with Paul Bannick