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A Birder's Evolution

At some point every dedicated birder among us reaches a place when we realize that birding is not a passing fancy, but is now in fact part of our core being. Once we reach that juncture, we often start thinking about how to get more out of our birding. Where do we want to go? How do we want to dedicate our time? What areas do we wish to improve upon in our fieldcraft? George Armistead will help us explore areas in which a birder can grow both in skill and enjoyment, while also considering where we can make a real impact within our community and in what we know about birds.

George Armistead is chief network officer at Rockjumper Worldwide Birding Adventures, which operates tours to over 100 countries. George has guided trips to all seven continents and authored two books: Better Birding: Tips, Tools, and Concepts for the Field (2015, Princeton University Press), and The ABA Field Guide to the Birds of Pennsylvania (2016, Scott & Nix, Inc.). He has a masters in environmental studies from University of Pennsylvania, and is an associate at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

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June 9

Birding in Neighborhoods - North Whidbey

June 16

Birds 'n' Beer Get-together