We protect birds through education, outreach and research.

Whidbey Audubon Society is dedicated to the understanding, appreciation, and protection of birds and other wildlife species and their habitats on Whidbey Island and surrounding waters.

Visitors are welcome at our events!

Pigeon Guillemots by Jann Ledbetter

Preserving Deer Lagoon

To help shape the future of Deer Lagoon Preserve please participate in the development of the Comprehensive Plan. Visit our page Deer Lagoon Preserve Advocacy. You’ll find everything you need to add your voice.

Deer Lagoon is a state recognized Important Bird Area (IBA) with at least 211 different bird species having been documented at the lagoon. Washington State Fish and Wildlife has concluded Deer Lagoon is the single most important site on Whidbey Island for use by waterfowl, year around. The lagoon is a critical resting and feeding site for migrating shorebirds in the spring and fall. It has been labeled the most important wetlands in Island County and for this reason alone deserves the highest levels of protection.

Sightings and Gallery

Go to our constantly updated page of interesting, unusual, or rare sightings of birds on Whidbey Island and surrounding waters.

Learn more about our mission and the results of our decades of advocacy.

Join our cause and participate in preserving Whidbey.